A woman is like a TEA BAG - you never know how strong she is until she gets into HOT WATER. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, May 8

Taking a break ...

I read a post tonight from http://www.handsfreemama.com/?p=3942 that struck a chord so deafening that I have decided to take a break from my blog for awhile. 

I want to be in this picture instead of behind the camera.  I want to be a part of the fun, instead of chronicling it. 

That makes sense, right? 

So, too-da-loo everyone!

But remember to check back every now and again. 

I will put up a good fight, but I may find a recipe here or there that I must simply share!

Monday, May 7

Grandma Louise's Strawberry Pie

Isn't she lovely?

Grandma Louise made these pies over and over for us when I was a little girl.  There is nothing like it.  This pie, along with her fried fish - my love bucket is still very full from these happy memories.

Any other recipe, and I would happily share the play-by-play instructions and ingredients, but for this, I cannot share.

Please forgive me.

Here are a few more luscious photos to help you along the path, but other than that, you are on your own, cowboy.

Sunday, May 6

Put the SEAT DOWN!

We have a great team of cleaners at work. The bathrooms are cleaned at least twice a day.  With that being said, the seat up ...

is Ms. Cleaning Lady's signature sign that this toilet has been completely disinfected... even in the ladies restroom!  Am I the only one that has a problem with this picture? 

Now, I am sure you men out there see nothing wrong (and everything right) with this, correct?  The seat is already up, in perfect position for you to do your "business" and you don't even have to bend down.  The hard work is already done for you. 

You like to be spoon fed, don't ya? 

But for married women everywhere, especially those with small boys at home, this is the ultimate vestige of the neverending war  - one that should not have to be fought at the office and in the ladies room of all places!

Ms. Cleaning Lady is so nice, I don't have the heart to tell her that she is jabbing that knife a little bit deeper with each upturned seat. 

Ms. Cleaning Lady, surely you know our pain ...

Surely you have a Mr. Cleaning Lady at home, right? 

And he leaves the seat up, for you to fall into with your tail feather in the middle of the night ...

So, Ms. Cleaning Lady ... nice Ms. Cleaning Lady ... for women everywhere, put that seat down! 

Wednesday, May 2

Blueberry & Blackberry Pancakes

I am currently devouring my most recent cookbook purchase...

Shhhhh...don't tell Jim! 

Just so you know, if I pass through the pearly gates anytime soon, you will want to get your hands on my cookbook collection - it is quite expansive ... and of course you'll want my pearls too. 

Back to the cookbook - doing this type of heavy research - and salivating over my findings was enough to convince me that I needed to make my very own (speedy) version to fill my blueberry pancake love bucket. 

Here is what you need to make my speedy version...

First, preheat your oven to 200 degrees.  Cover a baking pan with foil and set inside the oven, ready to accept stacks of pancakes until the very last one is cooked.

Mix blueberry wheat pancakes according to the directions on the box and add in a teaspoon or two of vanilla. 

Cook pancakes to golden on a griddle set to 375ish, smearing butter all over the surface. 

Once the griddle is hot and covered in butter, make nice round pancakes using a 1/4 cup measure.  Add in some thawed berries, one by one, in all of the best spots. 

While the pancakes are cooking, mix a few tablespoons of blueberry preserves and some maple syrup together in a bowl.  Warm in the microwave for ease and convenience - and one less pot to wash. 

Make sure to turn your pancakes when large bubbles appear and then pop.  This is the perfect time to flip them for golden perfection.  Let the cooked pancakes rest in a preheated oven set at a warmish/200 degree oven.

Enjoy the fruits (and berries) of your labor.