A woman is like a TEA BAG - you never know how strong she is until she gets into HOT WATER. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, July 9

Wrap Master!

My mom is such a good girl! (That is Candace-speak for "my mom is wonderful.") She recently bought these two little gems for me. One is for tin foil and the other is for plastic wrap.

Here is how they work:

First you click the middle button by pushing in and up...

Once open, you gently pull out the tin foil (or plastic wrap), depending on which one you have, until you have the right amount ...

Then you press the top down near the middle ...

Which cuts the section off quite neatly....

Easy peasy!  Now you can store your Wrap Master on your counter (I keep my plastic wrap one on the counter sometimes.)  It makes quick work of wrapping up the boys' sandwiches for school...

Or if you can handle clutter better than I can, you could stack them ...

You can have your very own pair from QVC for $27.30.  If white isn't your favorite, they also come in royal blue and a cherryish shade of red.

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