I've always had a little old man or two in my life. They just flock to me for some reason.
I think it is my fabulous bouffant hair - it reminds them of the beehive'd women of the 1960's.
Older men always bear gifts. God bless 'em!
Whether it is a compliment such as "I just like to see you smile" or "you're always so pretty" or the gift of three daily double-expressos made my favorite way with French vanilla creamer, along with a cup of ice for my Tervis Tumbler - always delivered to my desk with a hopeful smile... older men just appreciate women and want to impress. Older men never come empty handed.
Comparing older men to men around my age has given me insight into appreciating the past:
Older men are like antique furniture - prized and appreciated for their character.
Older men are more cultured, classy.
Older men open doors, practicing the lost art of chivalry.
Older men are well traveled and know the finest places to stay, to eat, to visit.
Whether these older men were born into a different era, taught to appreciate and protect women - or perhaps these men have been fastidiously whipped into shape over time by their mothers and later their wives - whatever the reason, women my age everywhere are benefitting from their kindness and grace, their class and charm - and their thrice-daily-delivered expressos with French vanilla creamer!
Take note you selfish twenty-somethings, boring thirty-somethings, you tired forty-somethings!
Men in their sixties and seventies are showing you up!
Taking away your thunder!
Now who's looking OLD?
Live on, little old men! You are making us neglected ladies feel FABULOUS!