A woman is like a TEA BAG - you never know how strong she is until she gets into HOT WATER. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, February 13

Sugar Wafer Valentines for 36 wild hyenas!

I have a thing for pretty cookies in cellophane bags.  Come to think of it, I think I just have a thing for cellophane bags.  Something pretty inside to eat is just icing on the cake (or on the cookie in this case!)

Here is what you need:
Sugar Wafers (Walmart's Great Value Brand at $2 for a zillion worked perfect)
White Almond Bark
Cellophane Bags

First, shake off the cookie dust because for some reason there is a lot of it.  Then lay out your cookies in a convenient place to dip and dip fast.

Next, chop the almond bark and microwave in a glass bowl at 30 second intervals until nice and dippable.  This part wasn't exciting, so I didn't see the need for a photograph.

Next, lay out some parchment, tin foil or wax paper.  Start dipping, like this...

You like that, don't you?  And sprinkle...

Now just let them sit for awhile - try not to eat them all...  this proves difficult, especially for Miles and I.  See that little hand?

They should look just like this...

But just to be sure they are edible, you might need to have a taste...

Or two - gotta check for quality... small children will be eating these!

The absolute best part is when you have some leftover - for your own hyenas (and for a cup of Emperor's Bride Tea from The Tea Room!) 

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

The pictures are SO pretty!!! You did a great job! We need to get you on the Food Network for sure!! Watch out Paula Deen....here comes Chicken Fried wearing pearls!! :)