I have known Dana since 1997. I met Dana before I met Jim! This is Dana beside me on the right. Dana will one day have a BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING and I cannot wait for the day! We will smash plates (or is that a Jewish tradition) and yell Oompah (?) and I will be excited - what else?! Isn't she hot? Dana is the sweetest, most giving friend. Over the years there have been many discussions over what to wear, what to eat, what to buy, how to workout and how not to, but still get skinny and MEN! Have I tried to set her up with MEN!? Did I mention what a good sport she is?! On the other side of me is Mia. I met Mia through Dana and Mia likes to talk about what to cook for dinner and what we cooked for dinner last night and what a mess we are. We vent about going crazy and drinking wine and how we can only survive when we drink and what are you eating for lunch - I am eating a boring salad... etc. All of these things are big once you get old and boring. (Currently we are all trying to decide if we are "cougars" or if we still are kittens? At what age does one become a "cougar"?) I love Dana and Mia and here we are - away from the world and at Jazz'd where we drank things like Skinny B*tch and Candy Apple Martinis. There was no sippy-cup washing going on at this table, and we didn't go to "the potty" let me just tell ya! And I even think our waiter thought we were all hot - for cougars or kittens - even though we are pretty sure he was gay. What a night!
You are too funny!
You aren't cougar age yet. Well, maybe you could be but it depends on the age of your prey. I think a 20 year difference is necessary for cougar status. So, Mrs. Robinson, you need to be 36 before you can start your cougar ways since the age of consent in GA is 16.
Happy hunting!
What a relief! I have another 2 years before I will be a legal cougar! That makes me a professional Kitty! Here kitty kitty kitty! ha ha ha!
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