A woman is like a TEA BAG - you never know how strong she is until she gets into HOT WATER. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, July 2

Backyard Tic-Tac-Stone

Poor Jim has a wife with too many ideas. Here was today's ...

Tic Tac Stone

Here is what you need:
(9) 4 inch brick pavers (Lowes for .68 each)
(1) bag of stones (Walmart craft dept for $4)
white interior/exterior paint
kids paint brushes (watercolor ones work)
couple of kids
(1) willing and able man

Once you have everything you need, wipe off 10 similar in size, flat stones. Pour paint into a disposable plastic container and set out brushes. Sit your children down at the (covered) table and proceed to instruct the older one to do the O's and try to convince the little one to do the X's (because the O's are harder to paint.) Let the stones dry.

Next, head outside and carry the stone pavers to the area of choice (shade) and lay out half an inch apart, 3 on the top, 3 in the middle, 3 on the bottom. Now, go find your willing and able man. Tell him that you've tried (you will need a shovel propped up near the digging site) and you just can't break through the soil and would be come and help. He will be impressed that you have the tools (shovel) and the pavers already in place. He will gladly take over. Stand back.

This man will note the square footage of the work area. He will then set aside the stones and remove the grass and 1 inch top layer of soil. He will then tamp down the soil to make the bottom flat and even. Then he will place the pavers as you had them before and will add back in the soil by shaking it from the clumps of grass.

Spread out evenly and tamp down with your foot.

Carefully sweep the stones off and you can now add back in some tiny sprigs of grass to help along the regrowth. Grass will fill in the dirt area between the pavers.

Sit down and enjoy the game!

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