A woman is like a TEA BAG - you never know how strong she is until she gets into HOT WATER. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, October 20

Phantom Treater...

One night, a couple of years ago, the doorbell rang (yes, it has rung since then too, but follow along here!) and since we rarely have nightly callers, everyone ran to the door in surprise. On the front porch was a basket - with lots of fun Halloweenish things inside and instructions on how to continue the fun. So began the Phantom Treater!

Here are the fun things we bought for the Orsini kids. Oh how we love to be sneaky - that is the best part!

Here is the letter to put inside .... try to put 2 copies inside in case the recipient doesn't have access to a copy machine.

Along with 2 copies of the ghost...

(this gets hung in the window of your recipient to show that they have already been visited by the Phantom Treater and one for the basket they will deliver to a different friend.)

And here it is, all wrapped up and ready to be delivered...

We delivered it at night after football practice. Owen ran to the Orsini's porch and Miles and I waited in the car with the lights off - a little down the road. hee hee hee! Owen placed the cauldron of goodies on the front porch - right in the middle - and then rang the doorbell and RAN fast!

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