A woman is like a TEA BAG - you never know how strong she is until she gets into HOT WATER. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, December 18

The lost art of saying "No..."

Or maybe this should be entitled, "The forgotten art of accepting the word 'no'."  Either way, the world has forgotten that "no" is an option.  The word "yes" is just a more acceptable answer, but for who?

In my long-standing struggle to become a better, more calm version of myself, I have learned that sometimes I have to say no.  I think that my brain knows my limit and in a last-ditch effort of self-protection, the word "No, I just can't..." finally comes through - and thank goodness!

This is rarely met with acceptance. 

The most common response is for my family/friends/co-workers/etc. to begin trying to shuffle around my responsibilities, so that I can attend/do/be what they want or need.  This relegates me into giving further details of why it just won't work out.  Always hopeful that this will be enough - and perhaps receive a "that's ok, I totally understand."  More commonly though, more shuffling from family/friend/co-worker ensues, in the hopes that I will relent. 

Sadly, I usually do.    

If you, like me, always fall culprit to this muddled puddle of People Pleasing - stand up and just once this week say a profound "Sorry, I just can't."  Be strong.  We'll do it together! 

Because if we are loved as much as we seem to be loved, it will be ok.  People will understand.  I think... 

1 comment:

kristen said...

This is my life Candace! It is so true! When I want to say yes, well as you know things don't go my way!!!! I think you are a terrific writer. Why don't you write a book of Candaceisms' and I will illustrate it!!!! PLEASEEEE!!!