A woman is like a TEA BAG - you never know how strong she is until she gets into HOT WATER. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, December 10

Much needed Girl's Trip to Columbia - Jonesy, here we come!

Most of you know of my adorable Amy Jones (aka Sweet Little Amy Jones, Jonesy, Amy J.)  We haven't seen her in forever.  (Forever, forever ever, forever ever.)  With the upcoming Breaking Dawn movie looming, we knew that we must see it together.  So off Jennifer and I went to meet her in Columbia with three main purposes in mind:

1.  To hang out in comfy clothes.
2.  To eat at every single cute spot in town.
3.  To see our beau, Edward Cullen, in Breaking Dawn.

Yes, we are thirty-somethings in love with a vampire.  So what, who cares? 

We had the best time.  We learned that there are things you can do with your girls that you cannot do with your husband.  (Yes, I am all about lists today, so here goes.)

1.  You can go into every single store, one after another, cause your girls want you to be happy and feel complete.
2.  You can look at anything and everything as many times as it takes to make a decision - cause there aren't any whining children to contend with, worry about and say over and over "No!" and "Stop That!"
3.  Can I say it one more time that there are not any husbands and zero children?  There just aren't!   

If you have not had a girls weekend, like me, up until this point - and your oldest is almost nine years old - you need to go away.  I worried over it and shredded a few napkins in my lap, but it was necessary and more over, it was gosh darned FABULOUS! 

Just in case you are wondering how fabulous - pictures do not lie...

Insanely happy girl in the kitchen of bakery, Cupcake, in Columbia, SC. 

So hurry up - grab your girls and go away to some sort of local and super cute place.  Your hubsie will do fine without you and he might even say, "I don't know how you get it all done when I am out of town..."  and that will be music to your ears!

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