A woman is like a TEA BAG - you never know how strong she is until she gets into HOT WATER. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, June 9

Formula = Your best day....

Jim makes fun of my breakfasts.  He says that no one else spends as much time making breakfast as I do making mine.  This could be true, but I think I am better for it.  I try to eat an egg everyday (dressed with salt, pepper, and some homemade guacamole of course!), but there are days when I cannot deny my favorite ... whole grain toast with natural (barely 1g sugar) peanut butter .... and hiding underneath are tiny, little dark chocolate chips all melty and gooey ... this is dessert, my friends!  What better to start your day?  It's healthy too, seriously! 

No, seriously. 


Now, if you want to have your best day - here is a formula I found recently in a magazine.  Because I was at Monkey Joe's (a kid's dreamland of inflatable jump-ons covered with giggly-high kids and mom's sitting at tables on cell phones), I had to take a picture of the article with my cell phone camera, to keep for later.  Because we need to know this information right?  Right.  

Here is the formula for success:

8 hours of uninterrupted sleep

+ 1 cup of strong coffee

+ 1 hour of exercise (15 minutes of weights, 30 minutes of cardio, 15 minutes of stretching.)

+ 1 eggs and whole wheat toast for breakfast

+ kids off to school with no fighting

+ some time to myself once I am at the office

+ a handful of almonds

+ something or someone that makes me laugh

+ a healthy lunch that includes all of the four food groups

+ no boring meetings in the afternoon (no meetings at all - what a waste of time!)

+ a cup of tea at 3pm

+ a glass of wine when I get home

+ a calm family dinner

+ a half an hour of reading before bed

So, now that you are armed and dangerous with how to spend your Tuesday (assuming you had 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep) - go out there and do BIG THINGS!  (And report back to me, because I didn't get all 8 hours and I'd like to learn the possibilities of someone who did!)


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